How to transform your diet in 5 easy steps -
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How to transform your diet in 5 easy steps

Looking to improve your health or lose some weight? Nutritionist David Stache reveals how you can transform your diet in 5 easy steps

We all lead busy and hectic lives and it’s tempting to opt for a ready-made meal or processed snack, rather than a healthy portion of food that offers nutritional benefits.

However, there are easy ways in which we can transform our diets which don’t involve major lifestyle changes, or hours spent cooking in the kitchen.

Healthista caught up with David Stache, nutritionist for leading sports nutrition brand Warrior, who offers his 5 easy steps to transform your diet…..

Step #1 Drink more water

When thinking about transforming your diet, the first question you should ask yourself is – am I drinking enough water?

Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining a good diet and promoting overall health. It is currently recommended that each day women drink around 2.7 litres and men 3.7 litres. 

Drinking water can promote weight loss as it keeps us full, which means that we are less likely to overeat at mealtimes. This is not to say that drinking water should be a substitute for food, however, it might be useful to drink water before meals if your goal is to lose weight to avoid confusing hunger for thirst.

currently recommended that each day women drink around 2.7 litres and men 3.7 litres

Substituting fizzy drinks for water will also promote weight loss and a healthier lifestyle generally, as this will mean that you are cutting out unnecessary sugars from your diet.

A study in 2021 supports this, detailing that staying hydrated can not only improve energy levels, but it can also boost mood and focus.

Step #2 Substitute white carbs for whole grains

There is a growing body of research which shows that whole grains offer far more benefits than refined, white carbs, which are stripped of valuable nutrients.

Whole grain foods, such as whole grain bread and pasta, quinoa and oats, contain fibre which promotes healthy digestion, as well as being rich in B vitamins, essential for metabolic efficiency.

Try adding brown rice to a meal instead of white rice, or perhaps eating a wholewheat cracker as a snack, rather than a packet of crisps.

Step #3 Eat less sugar

It is easy to over consume sugar, even when we think we are eating healthily, it is highly palatable and spikes insulin which leads to a crash and the craving for more of the same.

It can also have a huge impact on mood and has even been found to be linked with depressive symptoms, according to a study in 2017.

However, this is not to say that all sugar is bad for you. Natural sugars found in fruit, for example, are healthy if consumed in moderation.

has even been found to be linked with depressive symptoms

I would recommend consuming artificially sweetened products in moderation, such as fizzy drinks, biscuits, sweets, and chocolate.  

Step #4 Add more protein to your diet 

Protein is an essential part of our diet, and it’s benefits when looking to improve your diet should not be overlooked.

Protein promotes good health, weight loss and allows our bodies to repair muscles and cells.

Protein is an essential part of our diet

If you are looking for a lighter protein, I would recommend fish, tofu or eggs – as these are foods that will keep you full and carry less risk of heart disease than red meat.

Another great way of ensuring you’re consuming enough protein is by having a convenient, high-protein product as a snack. I would recommend Warrior CRUNCH bars or Warrior RAW flapjacks, which contain up to 20g of high-quality milk protein and less than 3g of sugar per bar.

Step #5 Make sure your plate is colourful

We learn from an early age that it’s essential to eat our greens – this is a must, but we must not overlook the other delicious and colourful foods that we have on offer.

Colourful vegetables are rich in vitamins

At mealtimes, make sure you have an array of colourful veg on your plate, as well as your protein and carbs, such as carrots, butternut squash, spinach, and beetroot.

Colourful vegetables are rich in vitamins A, E and C as well as fibre and antioxidants. 

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